Product Designer


b. 1986, HK.

Out of office

👩‍💻Hello! How can I help?

I am a Pittsburgh native on a mission to help create a more user-friendly world, both online and in real life. I am also an active community builder and was recently named one of Pittsburgh's 30 Under 30.

🚙 Currently, I’m a senior product designer helping to reshape how the world moves at Motional, a self-driving car company. My focus is on developing annotation and visualization software for ML applications.

🤘 In addition to UX, I have several years of experience in event production and am passionate about working with local artists around the Pittsburgh area. I will happily talk music with anyone who will listen (check out my current rotation here)!

🌟 Right now, I'm building the Pittsburgh UX community, providing volunteer UX support for civic tech initiatives, and trying to attend at least 50 concerts a year. Catch me on LinkedIn or on Medium