Product Designer

Reducing Filter Complexity

Dashboard Design | Product Design

Reducing Filter Complexity

Dashboard Design — Product Design

How do filters change the way we consume our data? (Image Source)



It’s a tale as old as time. A dashboard initially created for a few specific use cases has ballooned into several pages, each with their own filters, sub-filters and more (😱!). As we rapidly approach sheer filter chaos, some stakeholders want even more filters, as well as filter consistency across pages. How might we design a solution that achieves filter parity across pages, reduces the space taken up by filters on a given page, and remains flexible for future filters?


My Role

Senior product designer responsible for in-depth research and end-to-end design of the user filtering experience across the dashboard’s different pages


1 product designer, 1 product manager, 2 frontend engineers @ Motional. Collaborated with machine learning researchers/PMs to explore use cases.


May 2022 - November 2022 beta launch. Ongoing monitoring + feature refinement.


💌 For more details, please reach out!